Become Your Best Self.
Q: Is IASIS MCN made for home use?
A: No. IASIS MCN is only to be administered to patients by trained doctors and clinicians. It is not intended for home use.
Q: Do I have to stop my medication to do MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback?
A: No. Medication does not diminish the effectiveness of IASIS MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback. There is no need to stop or reduce your medication, which should only be done in conjunction with your healthcare provider once MCN treatment is complete.
Q: How many sessions are required before noticing an improvement?
A: Most people notice initial changes within three sessions, occasionally a little longer. The average number of sessions varies depending on the acuity of one's condition. Once treatment has been completed, additional sessions are usually not necessary. Occasionally individuals may require a “booster.”
Q: How does MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback work?
A: MCN uses a very low power (3 pico or 3 trillionths of a watt) electromagnetic field to carry feedback to the person receiving it. The feedback travels down the same wires carrying the brain waves to the amplifier and computer.
Although the MCN signal is weak, it produces a measurable change in the brainwaves without conscious effort from the individual receiving the feedback. This feedback frequency correlates with the dominant brainwave frequency. When exposed to this feedback frequency, the EEG amplitude distribution changes in power. The result is a changed brainwave state and much greater ability for the brain and nervous system to regulate itself.
MCN is a direct feedback, imperceptible to the client, and requiring no conscious effort. Although, like many pharmaceuticals, MCN is not yet completely understood, at the very least the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are profoundly influenced as is the central nervous systems. Brain chemistry is affected in ways that still need to be elucidated.
Q: How is MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback different than traditional neurofeedback?
A: In traditional neurofeedback, information from your brainwaves is transmitted to a computer screen. Clients attempt to train their brainwaves by mentally manipulating events on the screen. No signal is transmitted back to the brain. This kind of neurofeedback typically requires 40+ sessions, with a typical session lasting 45 minutes to an hour.
With MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback clients don’t do anything other than sit still for a few moments. A brief, tiny signal transmitted feeding back to the brain does all the work. And unlike traditional neurofeedback clients, MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback clients generally notice changes either immediately or within the first few sessions. Fast action, limited number of sessions, and the ease and simplicity of treatment all distinguish MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback from traditional neurofeedback.
Q: How long has MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback been around? Is it experimental?
A: Practitioners have used earlier and similar versions of MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback for over 15 years. MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback is not experimental. Over 75,000 patients have been treated with technologies similar in principle to IASIS MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback.
Q: Is MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback safe?
A: This type of neurofeedback is extremely safe. There has not been a single reported case of someone being worse off from having been treated with MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback.
Q: Are there side effects?
A: In the first few MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback sessions, a client sometimes experiences temporary fatigue, “light headedness” or a feeling of being “revved up.” Mild headaches also occasionally occur. These symptoms are always temporary and typically last only a few minutes to a few hours.
Q: Who can benefit from MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback?
A: MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback is very effective in many areas, including:
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback is exceptionally effective at reducing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other forms anxiety. Ninety percent of clients begin to experience improvement in the first or second session. MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback also improves resilience, the ability to handle stress, and helps create a sense of calm in difficult situations.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) - In mild and moderate TBI, clarity, concentration, memory, multi-tasking and energy consistently and rapidly improve.
Depression - MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback often lifts depression—even when it has been resistant to other treatments. Energy and motivation increase, and a client can once again experience a positive sense of health and wellbeing.
ADD/ADHD - MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback decreases impulsivity, distractibility and hyperactivity. The world becomes easier to navigate. Life becomes less of a struggle.
Substance Abuse - Because MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback is so effective at treating anxiety, depression and poor impulse control, it can be tremendously helpful for people withdrawing from and staying away from addictive substances. MCN Neurofeedback is now being used at many recovery centers.
Q: Does MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback affect only negative patterns? Will it change my positive qualities?
A: Only frozen, stuck patterns are affected. Healthy, functional brainwave patterns are flexible and resilient. When there is a tiny fluctuation they automatically spring back to their healthy patterns.