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Micro Current Neurofeedback
Why does MCN – Micro Current Neurofeedback- Treat So Many Conditions?
All the aforementioned conditions have a common denominator: the brain is “frozen” in a dysfunctional homeostasis that leads to dys-regulation. IASIS MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback causes brief micro-stimulation to the brain that results in a temporary fluctuation in brainwaves. This temporary change allows the brain to reorganize itself.
Thus, IASIS does not train the brain like traditional neurofeedback, but instead “disentrains” the brain by allowing it to reorganize itself and release itself from frozen, stuck patterns. This is analogous to re-booting a frozen computer.
MCN- Microcurrent is 100% Safe...
For such an effective process, IASIS MCN Micro Current Neurofeedback is extremely safe. The Micro Current Neurofeedback we use employs an FDA registered EEG amplifier and is extremely safe. The amplifier is small, lightweight and portable. The transmitting signals are about 1/300th of a cell phone and can last for as little as 1/100th of a second. With the over 100,000 clients using the system, there have been no reports of undesirable effects.
The Results of Un-Training the Brain to be Balanced...
Our experience with IASIS MCN is significant: Over 85% of clients who respond to treatment are, by their own assessment, very meaningfully helped. For example, more than 85% of mild/moderate TBI sufferers respond positively. The same is true for anxiety and PTSD. These changes are generally enduring.
Clients often feels a mood or condition shift occur during the initial session. Family and friends may notice the shift in one to three sessions. Initial changes are temporary, but last longer with each treatment. By the end of a series of un-training sessions improvements are substantial. While some patients require “tune-ups,” for the most part the benefits endure. We believe that this is naturally the result of the brain regaining a healthier homeostasis and a natural resistance to returning to a dysfunctional state.
Clinical Application
The range of conditions treated, the effectiveness of the treatment, the ease and efficiency of treatment, the lack of meaningful side effects and the enduring nature of the improvements make micro current neurofeedback a very potent clinical modality capable of helping a tremendous number of people. It is important to note that IASIS is not intended for home use and is only to be administered to patients by trained doctors and clinicians.